Contact us on 0800 123 4567 or [email protected]
Contact us on 0800 123 4567 or [email protected]


Research and Publications

Book (Ed.)

Research contribution:

  • 2020-2024: Research Assistant, CinéMédias Laboratory, Department of Art History and Film Studies, Université de Montréal.
  • 2023-2024: Research Collaborator, “Platblocks” project, funded by LabexICCA, exploring the impact of blockchain platforms on creative industries worldwide.
  • 2024: Research Collaborator, “Histoire du cinéma latinx québécois” project, funded by SSHRC, focusing on the visibility of Latinx filmmakers in Canada.

Research Internships And Exchanges

  • Robert Flaherty Seminar, Colgate University, NY, (2014).
  • Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), Faculty of Engineering, Santiago de Chile, (2013).
  • Lyon Lumière 2 University, Department of Sociology, France, (2008).