Research and Publications
- “El estado de las audiencias. Cinéfilos del circuito cultural de la Ciudad de México” Procine DF- Secretaría de Cultura, Gobierno de la Ciudad de México (2020).
- “La spéculation financière à partir de la jetonisation de la propriété intellectuelle des œuvres cinématographiques.” Images Secondes, Université Paris 8, December 2024.
- Blockchain Adoption in Cinema: The Missing Link in the Independent Film Value Chain?” published in the journal Terminal. Technologie de l’Information, Culture & Société (April 2023)
- “Sin La Habana, el anhelo de irse cueste lo que cueste” for the magazine Hispanophone, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2021).
- “Art Film Distribution in an Ever-Changing Industry: The Era of New Digital Protocols, Virtual Reality, and Other Video on Demand” in Cinema & Cie. XX, no. 35, Fall 2020.
- Translation of “Serial Intervals under the Prism of the Cultural Series” by André Gaudreault and Philippe Marion in Cine Documental Magazine, Argentina (2021).
- “Crowdfunding to the Rescue of Independent Authors” on the blog Conso Collaborative, France (2016).
- “Collaborative Financing for the Production of Documentary Film” in Revista Estudios Cinematográficos. CUEC, UNAM Year 20, no. 36, Nov 2014.
- “The Donor in Time: From Painting to Documentary Film and Its Participation through Crowdfunding” in the Ibero-American film magazine El Ojo que Piensa (2015).
- “The Legitimization of Social Science in the Most Important Databases in Latin America” in Latino America. Journal of the Latin American and Caribbean Research Center of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), 2010.
Research contribution:
- 2020-2024: Research Assistant, CinéMédias Laboratory, Department of Art History and Film Studies, Université de Montréal.
- 2023-2024: Research Collaborator, “Platblocks” project, funded by LabexICCA, exploring the impact of blockchain platforms on creative industries worldwide.
- 2024: Research Collaborator, “Histoire du cinéma latinx québécois” project, funded by SSHRC, focusing on the visibility of Latinx filmmakers in Canada.
Research Internships And Exchanges
- Robert Flaherty Seminar, Colgate University, NY, (2014).
- Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD), Faculty of Engineering, Santiago de Chile, (2013).
- Lyon Lumière 2 University, Department of Sociology, France, (2008).